2023 Milestones

Reflecting on God’s Faithfulness in 2023

Dear friends and co-workers,

We extend our warm greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. As we celebrate Ethiopian Christmas and step into the new year, we find it essential to reflect on the remarkable journey that 2023 has been for our family and ministry. It has been a year filled with challenges, milestones, and the unwavering faithfulness of God. We are immensely thankful for the significant moments that have shaped our lives, and we are eager to share with you some of the major highlights that have taken place in our lives during the past year.

Family Update

At the beginning of 2023, our hearts swelled with joy as we witnessed our special needs daughter, Bethany, taking her first steps. Her journey from crawling to confidently walking and even jumping has been a testament to the remarkable progress in her development. We are filled with gratitude for the milestones she has achieved and the resilience she has shown.

Another significant change in our lives was our move to Addis Ababa after seven years of living in Debre Zeit. This transition allowed us to find a suitable facility for Bethany, tailored to her special needs. Additionally, she became the first student at the first Down syndrome school in Ethiopia, a place we had fervently prayed for and sought for the past two years. This progress has brought immeasurable joy and hope to our family.

Furthermore, we were blessed to receive generous gifts that enabled us to complete the basic finishing work on our house. Despite the challenges we faced, we are grateful that all members of our immediate and extended family made it through the year alive. Each moment has been a testimony to God’s faithfulness and provision in our lives.

Ministry Update

In 2023, our ministry witnessed remarkable growth and impact. The responsibilities entrusted to us for national leadership were met with God’s enabling grace, resulting in abundant fruits. Here are some of the key achievements that marked our ministry’s journey:

  • Prayer and Fasting: Over 62,502 people were mobilized and trained for prayer, fostering a culture of spiritual growth and intercession.
  • Training: More than 158,981 individuals were equipped for various aspects of ministry, including evangelism, discipleship, leadership, healthy marriage, children, and church planting.
  • Gospel Exposure: The message of the gospel reached over 2,535,409 people, leading to 107,679 decisions to follow Christ. A total of 53,575 new believers were engaged in follow-up, nurturing their newfound faith.
  • Church Planting and Groups: A total of 785 churches and groups were planted, and about 17,859 new believers into the community of faith.
  • Bible Study: An average of 8208 believers engaged in weekly bible study within 687 groups, fostering spiritual growth and community.
  • Special Events: Notable events such as the Ignite Women Conference, 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer, Staff Achievement Annual Celebration, Reaching Oral People initiative, and Children Summer Camp were instrumental in mobilizing, training, and engaging individuals for transformative ministry.
  • Partnership Development: Emphasizing missional effectiveness and self-sustainability, we have made significant strides in developing partnerships and fostering sustainable growth in our ministry endeavors.


As we reflect on the milestones of 2023, we are filled with gratitude for the lives transformed, the communities reached, and the hope that has been ignited. Each achievement stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment and dedication of every individual who has contributed to these significant milestones.

Prayer Request

We humbly request your prayers in the following areas:

  • Healthy Family: Over the past three months, our family has faced constant health challenges. The impact has been particularly significant on our special needs daughter, Bethany, whose low immunity makes her vulnerable. Your compassionate prayers for our family’s health and strength are deeply appreciated.
  • Financial Support: We find ourselves in a critical situation due to the increasing cost of living in the capital city. Our living expenses have risen, and the burden of school payments and housing loan back payments has added to our financial strain. Despite our prayers for increased support, our monthly sustenance has been decreasing. We earnestly seek your prayers for God’s provision of families and individuals who can support us, enabling us to continue the ministry entrusted to us.

As we look back on the journey of 2023, we find ourselves standing on the foundation of faith, hope, and unwavering commitment. We are deeply grateful for your continued support, prayers, and encouragement that have sustained us through every challenge and problem. Together, let us step into the new year with hearts filled with hope, faith, and the assurance of God’s faithfulness.

With heartfelt gratitude and blessings!

Mikitle, Meseret, Lydia, Ebenezer & Bethany

About miktile

I love Jesus and live for his glory
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